A mission will clearly define the philosophy of the community radio project, as well as provide opportunities for equal participation for volunteers. Community Radio managers should get all volunteers and other participants involved in creating a mission statement.Secure technical support from CIRP through mervin Jarman and other resource persons.Host Webcast on your own website or by CIRP.Use specific software to webcast - M3W – for PC’s (Windows, Linux, Nicecast – for Mac.

Encourage interaction with other multimedia materials that can act as support for educational outcomes (scaffolding).Reaching listeners beyond the physical confines of the broadcast through the Internet.Our discussions focussed on using ICTs (specifically the Internet) to for webcasting and for field-based broadcasting.

In this sense ICTs can broaden the scope of media can present opportunities for multidimensional interaction and also strengthen realtime interaction. ICTs have provided industry, education and media with different modalities for effective information transfer. Using Technology to expand the accessibility.

The following measures for accessing funds were provided based on the experiences of Roots FM (Jamaica) and Radio Toco (Trinidad). Yet community radio projects do have financial needs that must be met. Community radio is less far-reaching in the sense of broadcasting to the entire population, and the idea of a market share may not necessarily be the first consideration for such projects. This is significant because community radio is clearly different from commercial radio. Discussions of financial sustainabilty are important as processes of sharing best practices and possiblities for the continuity of community radio.